Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Molinari & Sons

Lately I've noticed that some shops in the Boston area carry items produced by Molinari & Sons, a salami producer in San Fran. If you were here a few months ago, you may have read the SF Chronicle article about them. They make authentic Italian style salami, soppresatta etc. The company is more than 100 years old and still in the family. The website contains more info on the products and history. Depending on the level of your squeemishness around raw meats and butchering, you may want to skip the "process" page.

I've only had a chance to sample the salamito and the soppresatta. They are both as good if not better than most other stuff you see around here though the Brooklyn made Sopp on sale at Sessa's is still my personal favorite. The number of items listed on the site are probably only available in the Bay area so I'll have to wait until I can try them. I particularly look forward to the Coteghino, an 11 pound raw sausage. Sounds like a MEATSTOCK item if I ever heard of one.

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