Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Wed. RU

NYT: Continuing with the farm fresh theme, the top article today is about fresh produce from local sources appearing on university cafeteria menus. I'm fairly certain that never happened when I was in school. The second one down sings the praises of the modern toaster oven. With access to my roommates convection toaster oven, I second the sentiment--they are pretty cool. The minimalist makes gazpacho out of salsa, I think by simply spelling it differently. Fresh dates, which are in season, are celebrated. Time now for someone to make a joke about me not having any dates.

The wine tasters sample 25 sicilian reds. Sicily is an interesting wine region. Unlike most of Italy, they don't look to the past for guidance but rather they are willing to experiment with different grapes and techniques and make what works. Read this article. Florence Fabricant fabricates a pasta with tuna to match the wines.

SF Chronicle: I think I just fell in love. Check out the cheese chick! The top article is about an artisanal cheesemaker and has a photo of the delicious looking young lady and a wheel of cheese she made. Other top articles lament the abundance of zucchini in home gardens, a cook grills dinner for simplicity, an Austrian Jam wins a contest and Betty Crocker can get a date...but I can't.

The wine section focuses on affordability: bargain burgundies and inexpensive cabs that deliver the rich suppleness that defines the more expensive bottles. The regional focus is on Russian River valley (again?), the cheese is sierra nevada cream cheese and halibut is on the chardonnay pairing menu. Spirits column is about a $650 cocktail. I've been seeing lots of articles of this sort lately. Who cares? If some swank gin joint can actually find someone willing to pay that much for a few ounces of liquid, more power to them but it is extremely unnecessary.

Charlotte Observer: We'll be staying down south for the guest spot this week, taking a trip to Charlotte, either north or south Carolina. I can never remember which.

At first glance, the section looks pretty slim. It has a nice layout and look, including some excellent foodtography but only two major headers. A closer look reveals more content than originally thought though some of it is listed in the "other news" section at the bottom. I reckon these are either older articles or some such.

The content is pretty good. The lead article is a back to school feature on pack lunches beyond PBJ. The second main header is about sushi and includes a bevy of articles on where to go, what to try the first time, wines to match, etc. I like it when a common theme ties together a series of articles. The rest of the articles, both listed above and in the "other" section appear to be columns.

Ah crap, I just noticed that you need a login to read the articles. I hate that. I'm going to have to start registering for these things and maybe creating a gluttons club account for y'all to use. I start with it next week after I have time to consult with my lawyers.

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