Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Wednesday Papers, 6/15. I'm in a weird mood.

Shoo be boo bop de doo, wednesday food section coverage for youuuuu.

NYT: Skip badda wop doo doat, the lead article is about eating goat. Goat? In the Times? What are those latte sipping, sushi eating weirdos up to now? I've had goat, it's ok. Unfortunately, I think the goat I ate was one of the tin can eating type, not some fancy pants organic goat with highlights in its beard. What the hell am I talking about?

Um, shoo shoo do kachah, let's taste some Washington Syrah? ok, no more scat singing, I'm annoying myself. Apparently, the 2002 washington state syrah vintage wasn't very good. that's too bad.

Attention NYC types: Restaurant week is coming! take part.

Mr. Minimal uses cilantro to make his crabs more exciting. I don't like cilantro.

Nigella goes to scandanavia for cucumbers.

Some French guy made of white rubber reassesses restaurant reveiws.

SF Chronicle: Over to the other coast now. Whoosh. Here we are.

So non-stick pans are better but maybe not?! Flying, frying eggs!

People must not wear "I'm with stupid" t-shirts in fine dining establishments.

In wine: Feature on the carneros sub-region. Tasting of north-central coast pinots (ooooh!). And the cheese is a delicate flower.

Elsewhere, Alaskan salmon is taking over as local stocks plummet. I think we'll be seeing alot more articles like this in the near future.

Also, raspberry jam, lamb burgers and cooookies.

Detroit Free Press: Today's guest spot goes to the Freep. Mostly because I like saying Freep. They are a little tricky, putting their food section on tuesday. Who do they think they are?

Long list of articles but very little art to the layout. There is a wine section. Phew.

There seems to be no lead article so let's just start from the top with what appears to be a column called "cooking School". Poor layout makes it tough to figure out what's going on there. Just below is "A LEsson in Italian," seemingly another column. No, wait, the first article is just the recipes from the second. Who the hell designed this site?

Let's move on. Whoa! Alaskan wild salmon! Did I call that or what?!

mmmmm, pepsi lime.

Cuban cuisine that far north? You so crazy.

Wine: young reislings with excellent use of a line from "The Jerk".

I'd say not bad as far as coverage but holy crap could someone volunteer to format this page a lot better?

Hey, by the way, happy belated birthday.

Thanks. It was an ok one. A very ok one. last one til 30. [shiver]
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