Monday, May 02, 2005


What's happened to John Galts steak?

I used to keep a freezer full of Omaha Steaks and a closet full of omaha steak cooler boxes. I was partially influenced by my Omaha dwelling cousin who seemed to keep OS strip steaks in his pockets like business cards but was genuinely impressed by the quality and flavor of the meat. Eventually, I realized that I could get meat just as good for less money without having to wait for the mail to arrive. I sort of missed those familiar brown boxes in the freezer and when the last cooler box collapsed under the weight of a party goer I was sad but never did I lack for good meat.

Years went by, email addresses changed and I disconnected my land line so their persistent marketing efforts eventually fell on deaf ears. Until last month that is. I got an out of the blue piece of mail from them offering a seemingly huge amount of steak, burgers, dogs, pork, potatoes and knife sets for 70 bucks so I took the plunge. 4-5 business days later, the big ole styrofoam box arrived and I was the proud owner of too little freezer space.

The steaks looked ok but the strip steaks weren't what I remembered. They were small and after taking everything out of the boxes to make them fit in the freezer, they looked the same as the filet mignons and now I can't tell which is which. After cooking what I can now only call a steak, it was perfectly disapointing. Don't get me wrong, it was a good steak but not what you expect for something that costs so much and has to be shipped in from frickin' Nebraska.

I can't say that what I got is typical of OS these days--maybe I just got a bum batch or something. The burgers and dogs and pork chops and potatoes au gratin were all pretty good but not any better than what I can get at the whole foods across town. Given the deal I had gotten, it was nice to load up the freezer with a variety of meats but there is no way I'll be making a habit of ordering from there the way I used to. Unless, of course, the new cooler box breaks too soon.

UPDATE: Ok, so I had another last night for dinner and it was actually really good. Maybe the first was just a fluke or I overcooked it or something. I'm still not convinced that it's worth so much damn money.

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