Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Wednesday Papers

Time for the weekly brief briefing of Wednesday newspaper food sections. This weeks guest paper is...Chicago Tribune. As usual, I'm busy today so all you get is the quick version; not only have I not read any of the articles I mention, I'm not even willing to devote much time to making snide comments. What you see is what you get. You don't like it? Leave a comment and the Tribune will respond to it.

Globe: Hey, look at that, still no wine column. Typically for the city that loves to hate NYC only out of severe jealousy, the top article is about eating lunch at the Museum of Modern Art in NY. The second post is about Bernies crabs. Third down mentions a blending of south asian and east asian flavors. How exciting. Allright, enough of this crap.

NYT: The feature at the Times this week is all about "sci-Fi" food. Is it me or do they devote a lot of ink on chefs who make food in weird ways? Not too long ago was the guy who made flavored, edible menus now this. If I can't tell whether I should eat it or plug earphones into it I don't want it on my plate. Speaking of sci-fi, Eric Asimov devotes his wine column to producers worrying about the depth of red wines. The Minimalist goes against an Indian (red-dot) chef in a comparison of their shrimps. In the little side articles, there's the predictable "hey, its kind of warm today, let's throw something in about hot dogs" article.

Chicago Tribune: Hooray for guest spots! This week is the Trib, a paper I don't think I've ever read on purpose. There's no reason for that, I just don't come across it too often and have only been to chicago once so there.
At first glance, the food section looks pretty good with the usual variety. I seem to have caught them at an awkward moment though--this week is the first of a new layout inspired by readers survey. Also of interest, at least to me, is that the Trib bevvie writer is starting a new column called "Q". Its one of those cop-outs where writers ask for reader questions so they don't have come up with topics on their own. I tried that once but it probably helps is you have an audience the size of chicago. So basically, the new layout is based on readers suggestions and the bev column is now a q&a? And they say the mainstream media is getting lazy?
Their top (original) feature is on farm stands which is wierd because the LA Times covered that last week. Maybe they read my blog, read about that article and decided to do their own?

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