Friday, April 22, 2005


On foie gras

As you may be aware, there has been a lot of legal activities in the US recently threatening the availability of foie gras. In case you didn't know, fois gras is the tasty liver of a goose/duck that had been force fed a diet of fat and herbs in order to enlarge the liver and impart flavor. The force-feeding is the source of the controversey--animal rights activists don't like the practice and I guess I have to agree that it isn't a pleasant thing to do to an animal but I'm not sure a ban is a good idea.

I've had foie gras maybe a handful of times in my life. It isn't something I crave or come across too often and to be honest it took a couple of years to figure out how to pronounce it properly. However, I'd like to see it remain available in case I did want some. Banning a meat product for cruel treatment could lead to a slippery slope where other products are banned for real or perceived cruelties. This I cannot abide by. I prefer my meat to come from free range, grass fed, happy, singing in harmony animals but let's face it, the modern food industry can't keep our bellys full of food and smiles on the faces of cows at the same time.

So basically, I am somewhat neutral on the issue. I enjoyed it when I've had it but don't really eat it that often so a ban on foie gras would have very little impact on my eating habits. It's the precedent that more concerns me. I have no fear that PETA etc. will soon force the meat industry to close up shop but what if, say, pancetta is next? I wouldn't be able to go on...

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